Robert Kogan was born in Wichita, Kansas and moved to Dallas, Texas at the age of nine. His career in mental health administration spanned over 30 years. After retirement, Robert focused on his passion of writing poetry and spending time with his family. He lived most recently in Norman, Oklahoma with his wife Linda Kogan. Together they raised two daughters and have four grandchildren. Robert's first book, Rhymes of Romance, Poems of Passion was published in 1999. He finished his second collection of poetry, Love Heals: 31 Days of Loving You and Other Poems in 2000, just two days before he passed away.
Robert's poetry appears on many other Web pages where he has recevied numerous honors and tributes. His poems have also been published in The American Bard, The American Poet, The Golden Quill Anthology, Prarie Poet, A.F.P.S. Anthology, The Rambler, The Blair Press, Stars and Stripes and The Doylestown Daily Intelligencer.
All Rights Reserved Copyright 1999 and 2000 Robert E. Kogan