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My Winter

Winter softly enters,
frosting up my windows,
While cold winds enter through
the bottom of my door.
I recall the warmth of all
my different summers
Was changed by the dampness of
my lonely floor.

Will she ever return
        to walk on it once more?

I often wonder why winter still is calling
Telling me that each year will
always be the same
And I should forget the warmth and
hope of summer
That came to me each time I whispered
her first name �

I wonder now:  is it true
        she really came?

All my dreams, like autumn leaves,
begin to fall.
The ground I walk upon is
very cold and bare,
And my arms, like branches of
the tree, are empty.
The only touch that I now feel
is empty air. 

I ask myself:
        Has she changed?  Does she still care?



The cold
forgotten dreams of yesterday
Cover the ground
        in December.
Frozen footsteps of the past
    to remember;
Dying softly in December.

Approaching light of new year.
Expectations for tomorrow!

The cold
Forgotten dreams of yesterday
Cover the ground
        in January. 

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