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About Robert
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I am a student,
A seeker of the truth.
I yearn for new knowledge each day.
I open my mind,
Which is more than most can,
And seek someone to show me the way.

However, those I find
Have limited minds,
Filled with dogma, rubbish and such.
Whatever limited truth they might have
Certainly won't help me much.

Because I am kind
And pity the small,
I feel sorry for all that I see.
This poor, insignificant, bigoted bunch
Had better start learning from me.

Because I am great,
And because I am wise
I know there never will be
A more humble, sensitive, misunderstood
Example for mankind than me.

For I am a student,
A seeker of the truth.
I yearn for new knowledge each day.
I open my mind
Which is more than most can,
To find someone to show me the way. 

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