Writing about love was my dad's favorite poetic medium. He wrote of love lost, love yet to be discovered, unrequited love, passionate love and love everlasting. In total he put his heart into over 100 poems dedicated to this topic. He addressed his propensity to write love poems in the introduction to his book Rhymes of Romance, Poems of Passion.
"I am often asked why I write so much love poetry. As I said earlier, the essence of poetry is to communicate feelings and emotions. In my life I have been fortunate to feel and experience may different manifestations of love - love of family, love of friends, love of religion, love of knowledge, love of community, and the elusive love of self. In writing poems of love, I looked into and held out a gentle mirror of words, words to reflect all the intense feelings and the many facets of love, the pulse of human life. This intensity and range of feelings are expressed in the poem Love Is."
~ Robert E. Kogan
Love Is
Love is like a river that flows into the sea Oceans of emotions that form a symphony - Longing, yearning, hurting, seeking company To sing a lovers song in two part harmony.
Love is the promised vision when sight itself is blind - For where love is found, pain is sure to follow close behind. Love is always changing; it evolves and grows Becoming both the flower, and the thorn upon the rose.
Love lasts forever regardless of how brief. For hearts are filled with wonder and with grief. Recall each precious moment of the wonder of its starting, And the sadness felt deep inside when the time came for its parting.
As minutes become days and as days become our years Love becomes a lesson that our mind and spirit hears As an infant becomes a child, and as the child begins to grow, Love becomes the river in which our feelings flow.
Cialis for bph and ed etate aminolevulinate to treat hirsutism (1). The most common side effects of the drug for hirsutism are headache, malaise, weight gain, nausea, dry mouth, eyes, dizziness, and loss of libido. In some cases, the drug can cause dry throat, vomiting, headache, or blurred vision. Other side effects Finasteride australia prescription may include dry, itchy skin and severe headaches. The United States spends $700 billion a year exporting everything from guns to food computer systems everything else in-between. If it weren't, you wouldn't Strattera kopen online have an iPhone, a smart television, you wouldn't have a Tesla. But the US Export-Import Banking Corporation (ExIM or better known by its acronym, Ex-Im ) is a critical piece of machinery that enables American industry to export its goods, and jobs, to every corner of the globe, and without paying any taxes.
So of course it gets something for its money, and it's called taxpayer funding. Ex-Im's financial services arm, Exim Capital's "Exchange Mktg/Systems" division, makes loans out to US exports, who then invest those funds back in the US with promise of a government-guaranteed return. The bank itself is actually a taxpayer-funded, self-regulatory entity established in 1970 that was created to "make it easier for the US and foreign firms to export".
And so it has, with the banks lending over $80 billion to US exporters annually. This has been the case through at least 2013, when the US government itself disclosed $800 billion in loans the banks have made to exporters since the bank was established.
And it's not just US companies that benefit from Ex-Im. If you're the US government, you get to make big chunks out of your Export-Import bank. The Export Import bank subsidizes US exporters, helping to pay for stuff like this.
So where does all this money come from? chart gives us