Last night in my dream you filled all my senses with the wonderment of you. My hearing, sight, smell, touch and taste reached capacity – and still I wanted more.
I listened to your voice, your laughter – the little girl I never met – but suddenly remember. I listened when you spoke of love – your words became a symphony, until my ears could no longer hear – but still I wanted more.
You were laying naked, next to me, and my eyes discovered the canvas of beauty. Your hair, your eyes, your nose, your lips, your face, introduced the painting and demanded it be the first my eyes would see. Then I saw the rest of you. This work of art became complete. Colors blended, tones and hues of feeling filled my eyes – and still I wanted more.
I smelled passion of your need inhaled the fragrance of your love, and closed my eyes to look and smell of you within my mind. It was more of you than I ever hoped to have – yet still I wanted more.
I gently touched your hair, your face, sought to embrace the softness that you wear. I kissed my own fingers in tribute for their knowledge of the feel of you – and still I wanted more.
I tasted every part of you, and everywhere I rested, I discovered a new flavor and realized I could never taste enough. I need the taste of you forever – and still I needed more.
I needed all of you and wanted more, but you had filled all my senses – no room left to fill with more. You filled my senses with your love – but still I wanted more.
You were within my dream and I cried because soon I would wake – needing even more.
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