You are the poem that I write – The prayer before I sleep each night – The music that I hear today – The light that guides my steps each day.
You are my hope and aspiration – The source of all my inspiration – The symphony that I try to write – The rays of the early morning light.
Words are not enough, I cannot conceal – Symbols expressing all the joy I feel – So many ways to show how much I care – Love waiting for a time that we can share.
You are the sonnet the Brownings’ sought to write – My sweet princess waiting for her gallant knight – Cinderella hoping for a perfect fit – The Mona Lisa smile no one can forget.
You are the star in Van Gogh’s Starry, Starry night – The pot of gold beneath the rainbow – shinning bright – You are the promised hopes that all my dreams contained – The love that since childhood I felt was preordained.